Tenant Voice
We want the voice of you, the tenant, to be at the heart of everything we do.
We know that you have amazing things to contribute, whether that’s in your own community or in making a difference to the way we work. Your input is crucial as there is no better expert than yourself to help us do the right thing for you, your home and your community. That’s why we’re invested in ‘Hearing The Tenant Voice’ – it’s a way you can get involved and share your ideas with us.
You can do this in whatever way suits you best, depending on how much time you have available. This can range from completing surveys in the comfort of your home to undertaking more in-depth tasks alongside our colleagues.
Check out the links below to see how your voice can be heard
What’s in it for you?
We asked Sasha, our Tenant Voice Co-ordinator, for her thoughts on why tenant involvement is so important. Here is what she said:
- We want to hear what you have to say! Your input matters to Cartrefi and sharing that with us will help us to improve our services, make more positive impacts and give more back to you, our tenants.
- Building safe, comfortable and connected communities is key. We want you to be as involved as you want to be and to give you as many ways to contact us as possible. We fully embrace digital contact, and we enjoy meeting our tenants in person as well. You could have opportunities to be involved with us over social media channels to comment on what we are doing, right up to attending housing conferences and sharing your experiences with other tenants across Wales.
- We pay expenses so you won’t be out of pocket if you travel to see us or travel with us to an event.
- Engagement is good for us and good for you. It looks great on your CV and for your employability as it shows that you are volunteering your time to create better experiences for other people in your community.
- Cartrefi Cares: We want to hear from you no matter the reason. We are creating new ways for you to communicate with us and we are excited to hear what you have to say.
We would particularly welcome interest from younger tenants or tenants from BAME and LGBTQ+ communitie
Last modified on September 15th, 2022 at 8:49 am